Popcorn Ceiling Removal in Chapel Hill
Whether you live on Franklin Street and can see the University of North Carolina from your front door or you are near the peace and quiet of Umstead Park, Chapel Hill is a beautiful town.
It’s also an old town, which means not every home is perfect.

Rated as the #1 place to live in Orange County, Chapel Hill has a lot going for it. With so many homes built in the bustling college town between the 1950s and today, there are many homes with ugly popcorn ceilings.
The median house price in Chapel Hill is now well over $400,000. When a buyer is spending that much money, they want everything to look clean, modern and beautiful. Popcorn ceilings are not any of those.
Since the 1950s, popcorn ceilings have been popular. Unfortunately, the most popular type of popcorn ceiling was the asbestos popcorn ceiling and we are now aware that asbestos is a harmful and toxic material. Popcorn ceiling removal for popcorn ceilings should absolutely be done by certified professionals because of the risk of exposure to asbestos during the popcorn texture removal is quite high.
Cost of Popcorn Ceiling Removal and Repair in Chapel Hill
According to Home Advisor, popcorn removal in the Durham-Chapel Hill area typically costs between $1,000 – $3,000.

Your house has to compete with homes in Meadowmont, Southern Village, The Preserve at Jordan Lake and Governors Club. If your home has popcorn ceilings (also known as acoustic ceilings) it’s one more thing that a potential buyer will have to worry about.
If you aren’t selling you home – and who would want to if you’re lucky enough to be living in Chapel Hill – having a nice smooth ceiling can make it feel like a whole new house.
Making the large, open concept ceilings in Chapel Hill look seamless and beautiful is not a job for someone new. It takes years of experience to be able to make a ceiling look flawless.
If you want to change the look of your ceiling from rough to smooth and make your home more beautiful, more desirable and more livable you’ve come to the right place. Contact us for a quote today.